Lowering the cost and carbon footprint of upper ocean data.

Massive existing and emerging markets require 4-D volumetric data from the upper ocean, which is prohibitively expensive to acquire with today’s technologies. Apeiron Labs is reimagining ocean monitoring to decrease the marginal cost and carbon footprint of distributed ocean sensing by orders of magnitude.

Imagine if we could…

Scale Maritime Domain Awareness

Uncrewed autonomous systems for large-scale intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance are increasingly important tools in the national security toolbox.

Quantify climate change & improve weather forecasting

Dense, real-time upper ocean data is a crucial component of understanding climate change and improving forecasting, especially of extreme weather events.

Accelerate offshore wind farm construction

Real-time passive acoustic monitoring will dramatically speed up the construction of offshore wind farms.

Enable precision aquaculture

Producing sufficient protein for our planet requires broad deployment of IoT technologies into the ocean.


The Internet of Floating Things

Our co-founders, Applied Invention and S2G Ventures, have a successful track record of creating and investing in some of the world’s most impactful technologies and companies. They co-founded Apeiron Labs in 2022.

Several years prior, in 2016, Mark Abbott, then President of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and Ravi Pappu, formerly at In-Q-Tel, huddled in front of a whiteboard at Woods Hole, pondering the grand challenge of scaling ocean observing.

Ravi posed a simple query to Mark: what needs to be slashed by 10X in cost to truly revolutionize ocean observation? This led to the idea of the Internet of Floating Things, which we believe to be a fundamental enabler of an always on ocean.